Friday, October 22, 2010

Achieving Fame and Fortune

I personally think that there are two common ways a person can achieve fame and fortune. One being they work hard for it or it is simply passed down to them because the fame and fortune is already within the family. In my opinion a person that works hard for their fame and fortunate cherishes it more than a person who is handed down the fame and fortune. I believe this because one who works hard in order to achieve something treasures it more because of all the experiences they had to face along the way. They had to surpass obstacles and failures and these events made them a stronger person. Once they reach fame and fortune they look back and see all the things that they went through and think it was worth it. A person that fame and fortune is just handed to them will not cherish it as much or it will not feel as special to them because they did not hard to work for it to earn. In most cases they will not cherish it and just become arrogant because they have fame and fortune.

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