Monday, November 1, 2010

Choosing the right College...

Choosing where you ant to go to college is a personal decision and frequently a stressful decision as well. You must determine what you might like to study or major in college. Many students enter college undecided, which is fine, but it is best to have some idea of a career or major. When you have an idea of what you might want to major in can also help the process of finding the right college. You should also create a list of the colleges you are considering and the ones that you are not. Also ask yourself questions, Do you want to live close to home or faraway? Do you want a large or small university? A major obstacle for students looking for a college is the cost of the university. The cost is what holds back most students because they do not know how to pay for it. You should consider attending college fairs, where you will be able to meet with representatives from the universities and obtain more information on the university. The best way to get a feel of a college is by visiting the campus. Take a tour of the campus and ask questions about the college to your tour guide. By doing this you will have an opportunity to see the college in person and having more information to base your decision on.

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