Thursday, October 21, 2010

Semester Essay #3

School cafeterias should be required to provide low-fat/ vegetarians lunch options to
accommodate the eating habits of all students. There needs to be variety in school lunches
because there is diversity in the student body and different eating habit based on their culture and
ethnicity. Every household is unique and has its own culture within it; they are based on
culture and ethnicity. Most students tend to bring their home culture to school. It is in the school
cafeteria where cultural differences can show up and conflict with what is being served in school
lunch rooms. Some students believe that school food choices violate their religious culture.
The standard school lunches include hamburgers, fries and pizza. In some cultures people
are not allowed to eat meat and may only eat food items that are vegetarian. School cafeterias do
not provide variety when it comes to school lunch. They only go based on what the majority of
students like to eat for lunch. They do not think about the different cultures there are and the
restrictions that some of these cultures have on the food that can be consumed by them. When a
culture restricts their followers from eating meat and the school cafeteria is serving meat on a
certain day there should always be other options so the students that cannot eat meat have
another option of food instead of being obligated to one option.
            Also most school cafeteria lunches are unhealthy options. Students spend most of their
day at school and are only given unhealthy food options. School vending machines only provide
students with candy, chips, soda, and juice, which is all unhealthy. Not only do vending
machines provide unhealthy choices but when lunch time comes it is also more unhealthy
options. Food served for lunch in schools do not provide low-fat options that students have an
option of choosing over a hamburger or any other unhealthy food. Because these types of food
options are only offered to students obesity rate in children is increasing along with diabetes in
            School cafeterias should provide students with options when it comes to school lunch.
Some students cultures may prevent them from eating certain food items, school lunches do not
provide them with options in which they can choose what to eat. Other students may be
vegetarians and choose to not eat meat for a personal reason and school cafeterias do not serve
foods that accommodate them. But most importantly there should be food options that are low-
fat and healthy. School lunches should come in a variety because there is diversity within the
students and students should have options on what they can eat during school hours.

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